Find useful things for your fermenting
Svensk Ekomarknad för syrningskrukor, hyvel och glassburkar
Humlegårdens Ekolager fermentation buckets and airlocks.
Bagaren och Kocken kitchen equipment and jars.
Restaurang Grossisten for bigger kitchen machines
Biredskaps Fabriken or other beekeeping store for jars and lids
Nordic Pack for jars and packaging
Carbon steel knives from Vietnam – very sharp and not pricy. www.kolstå
Here are some of my favourite books on fermentation. At the bottom, you’ll find a list of books that I haven’t personally worked with but are highly recommended.
Kimchi by Byung-Hi & Byung Soon Lim
A great introduction to kimchi in all its colors and forms, with simple recipes and beautiful pictures. I usually skip the sugar and fish sauce and replace gochugaru with homegrown chili. The book also includes fantastic recipes for dishes that incorporate kimchi. The linked book is the English version ‘Kimchi’.
Mjölksyre jäsning av grönsaker av Annelies Schöneck or Making Sauerkraut and Pickled vegetables at home
The book is concise and filled with fun recipes, beautiful illustrations, and valuable information about equipment, health, and the biological process. Moreover, it is the first book about lacto-fermentation written in Swedish and has inspired many since the 1980s. The English version appears to be quite different but also interesting and available as an ebook from google books.
Förädlingsodling: mjölksyrning för småskalig grönsaksodlare av Brigid Lefevre
A compendium of information and recipes was created for the workshop days during the project. It is available for free download but is only in Swedish.
A Review of Fermented Foods with Beneficial Effects on Brain and Cognitive Function. Binna Kim, Veronica Minsu Hong et al
The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) Consensus Statement on Fermented Foods. Maria L. Marco, Mary Ellen Sanders et al